
Concerns about expiry dates?

People ask about dates on our products all the time. We do our best to explain the way the standards were explained to us. Salvage grocers can sell items “out of date”, that is why it called salvage grocery.
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Sale Thru May 10th

Every week we will be changing out what is on sale. Check the “Sale” tab weekly. Check out the some of the great sales we have this week! Get your deals while supplies last.
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Update! Happenings at Gallahon Auctions

New things are happening at Gallahon Auctions.
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Update! Food Sales

Due to the new guidance recieved from the Ohio Department of Health we have launched something new!
Click to learn more.

COVID-19 Update

We have recieved further guidance from the Ohio Department of Health.
Click to learn more.

Press Release! Food Sales

Throughout the rising concerns of COVID-19 we have made appointments available to everyone.
Click to learn more.

COVID-19 Concerns

We have recieved a letter from the Ohio Department of Agriculture & the Ohio Department of Health regarding concerns over COVID-19.
Click to learn more.

New Website!

Gallahon Auctions has created a new image for it's online presence and we hope that you enjoy it as much as we do!
Click to learn more.